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Wiedergeben von auf einem Computer oder auf einem NAS gespeicherten Dateien. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +. DE Owner’s Manual Vorsichtsmassnahmen Seiten 5, 6 Schnellstartanleitung Seiten 9 bis 11 Fehlerbehebung Seite 29 bis 31 Bedienungsanleitung. Learn the translation for ‘bedienungsanleitung’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer.

Acronym | Definition |
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment |
BDA | British Dental Association |
BDA | Blu-ray Disc Association |
BDA | Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (German: Confederation of German Employers' Associations) |
BDA | Big Data Analytics (software) |
BDA | Bund Deutscher Architekten |
BDA | Bundesdenkmalamt Österreich (Austrian Federal Office for the Care of Monuments) |
BDA | British Dyslexia Association |
BDA | British Dietetic Association |
BDA | Broadcast Driver Architecture |
BDA | Borland Database |
BDA | Bluray Disc Association |
BDA | British Deaf Association |
BDA | Bedienungsanleitung (German: User Manual) |
BDA | Bomb Damage Assessment |
BDA | Bangalore Development Authority |
BDA | Broadcast Driver Architecture (Microsoft Windows technology that enables tuner drivers for digital reception) |
BDA | Brick Development Association (UK) |
BDA | Bi-Directional Amplifier |
BDA | Biotin Dextran Amine |
BDA | Bureau des Arts (French: Arts Bureau) |
BDA | BIOS Data Area |
BDA | British Diabetic Association |
BDA | Business for Diplomatic Action |
BDA | Business Development Associate |
BDA | Biological Data Analysis |
BDA | Biblioteca Digital Andina (Digital Library of the Andean Community website) |
BDA | Blonde d'Aquitaine (cattle breed) |
BDA | Business Debtors Anonymous (self-help group) |
BDA | Broadcast Designers Association |
BDA | Brocade Distinguished Architect |
BDA | Ballet des Amériques (French: Ballet of the Americas) |
BDA | Bouffée Délirante Aiguë (French: Acute Delirium) |
BDA | Bachelor of Development Administration |
BDA | Business Development Agency |
BDA | Bruce Dunlop & Associates (design agency; UK) |
BDA | Bensussen Deutsch Associates (German: Bensussen German Associates) |
BDA | Building Design Advisor |
BDA | Black Deaf Advocates |
BDA | Bill Duffy Associates (sports management) |
BDA | Bulgarian Drug Agency |
BDA | Boulevard des Airs (French band) |
BDA | Blogueurs des Alpes (French: Alps Bloggers) |
BDA | Brachydactyly |
BDA | Belt Driven A Series (motorsport) |
BDA | Boston Daily Advertiser (Boston, MA) |
BDA | Battlefield Damage Assessment (less common) |
BDA | Browning Double Action (semi-automatic pistol) |
BDA | Before, During, After Operation Checks (US DoD) |
BDA | Bruce Davis Associates (design consultancy; UK) |
BDA | Boulder Digital Arts (Boulder, CO) |
BDA | Bermuda/Hamilton, Bermuda - Kindley Airfield/Civil Air Terminal (Airport Code) |
BDA | British Deming Association |
BDA | Battle Dress Attire (Philippines) |
BDA | Backup Drive Amplifier |
BDA | Black Dragon Army (World of Warcraft) |
BDA | Big Dumb Alien |
BDA | Beclomethasone Dipropionate Aerosol (aerosol treatment for chronic asthma) |
BDA | Big Dumb Agency |
BDA | Big Dumb Animal |
BDA | British Decorators Association |
BDA | Beth Din of America |
BDA | Blog des Avignonnais (French: Blog of Avignon; Avignon, France) |
BDA | Bibliothèque Départementale de l'Aude (French: Aude County Library; Aude, France) |
BDA | Base de Données Avancées (French: Advanced Database) |
BDA | Blast Danger Area |
BDA | Boom Drogue Adapter (aerial refueling) |
BDA | Bank Draft Authorization |
BDA | Bachelor of Dramatic Art |
BDA | Bermuda Tracking Station (NASA STDN) |
BDA | Balanced Degree Allocation |
BDA | Belgian Driving Association |
BDA | Barbados Draughts Association |
BDA | Benzophenone Dicarboxylic Acid |
BDA | Beneficiary Designation Account (inherited IRA account) |
BDA | Business Domain Architecture |
BDA | Berufsverband Deutscher Anästhesisten eV |
BDA | Broadband Distribution Amplifier |
BDA | Brigade Design Analysis |
BDA | Blatant Display of Affection |
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