Dq11 Octagonia Casino Prizes

- Dq11 Octagonia Casino Token Farming
- Octagonia Casino Dq11
- Dq11 Octagonia Casino Prizes
- Octagonia Casino Guide
- Octagonia Casino Prizes
The prizes: Uniques can only be bought once Down the Rabbithole (unique) - 500 Tokens - recipe for something bunny related, I’m guessing bunnt outfit like the casino girls Mercury’s Bandana - 2500. Dq11 Casino Prizes Octagonia, casino rennes st gregoire, island view casino biloxi reviews, free casino spins keep what you win Get 100% up to £100 + 300 spins at Genesis Casino Make your first deposit to have your money matched 100% up to £100 and 300 spins on Starburst awarded! Now, we’re moving on to the big moneymaker in Octagonia.Go to the casino in this bright, fancy town on your second story visit and play Roulette. Just bet 200 on every number, and aim for that.
When you reach the post-game in Dragon Quest 11, you’ll need to grind for levels. It’s practically a requirement. To make the long slog a whole lot faster, you can try farming Metal Slimes. These rare creatures might seem impossibly rare — and when they do show-up, they just run away.
Here’s the thing; it’s totally possible to farm Metal Slimes, and you’ll easily earn 50,000+ XP in a single fight. That’s about 5 Levels from a single fight. If you’ve hit Level 70+, that number jumps even higher. You can earn up to 8 Levels from a single fight.
Dq11 Octagonia Casino Token Farming
This method is truly insane. If you prepare, it’s possible to pull off. There’s a lot of requirements, though. First, you’ll need to rebuild Cobblestone or collect a ton of tokens from the Octagonia casino. That these locations, you can purchase Pep Pop or Pep Pip — items that instantly give your characters Peps. I recommend Pep Pop, as it gives Pep to your entire team. It costs a hefty 200,000 coins, but the cost is worth it.
Octagonia Casino Dq11
More Dragon Quest 11 guides on Gameranx:
How To Gain 50,000+ XP In A Single Battle Metal Slime XP Farming Guide
To earn huge amounts of XP in the end-game, you’ll need to unlock two specific Pep powers. You’ll also need Pep items (Pep Pop or Pep Pip) — this method takes a lot of preparation, but can instantly earn your entire party 5-8 Levels from a single battle.

- Metal Slime Farming Requirements:
- Haulellujah (Pep Power — Hero, Erik, Jade — Multiplies XP earned at the end of battle.)
- Pep Pop (Item sold in Derk’s Shop in repaired Cobblestone. Costs 200,000 coins.)
- Electro Light (Pep Power — Hero, Sylvando, Jade — Summons Metal Slimes.)
- Dirge of Dundrasil (Pep Power — Rab — Puts enemies to sleep. Including Metal Slimes.)
- Critical Claim (Erik ability — 100% Critical Hit on an enemy.)
If you have those five Pep Powers, items, and abilities, you’ll be able to pull this ability off. You’ll only have all of these abilities very late in the game, so this is only useful for grinding in Part 3. Now, let’s get into the exact steps you need to take to pull this off.
- Step-by-Step Metal Slime Farming Trick
- Get everyone Pep’d Up. Hero, Erik, Jade, Sylvando, and Rab must be Pep’d Up. Enter any random battle and defend or just fight until they get Pep’d. Save Pep by swapping the character out of the party.
- Unlock the Pep Up ability for your Hero. That way, you can easily Pep Up at any time.
- Save the game. If you’re unlucky, things won’t work out. Always save before wasting your valuable Pep or Pep items.
- Fight any enemy. Use Haulellujah (Hero, Erik, Jade) to add the XP multiplier.
- Defend and don’t kill the enemies in the battle. Get Pep’d Up — use Pep Pop to Pep Up everyone in your party.
- At this point, you’ll want to Pep Up Hero, Sylvando, Jade, and Rab.
- Use Electro Light (Hero, Sylvando, Jade) to summon Metal Slimes.
- If Hero is Level 60+: x1 Vicious Liquid Metal Slimes, x2 Vicious Metal Slimes
- If Hero is Level 70+: x1 Vicious Metal King Slime
- Make sure Rab is in your party before using Electro Light. They need to be ready on your turn to use Dirge of Dundrasil. This should (hopefully) put the Metal Slimes to sleep.
- While on Rab’s turn, swap Erik into your party. When the Metal Slimes are asleep, use Critical Claim on each Metal Slime, one-at-a-time.
- Don’t risk attacking them with anyone else if they’re asleep.
- If they’re awake, use multi-hit special abilities for best chances.
- Defeat the Metal Slimes (with XP multiplier) to earn insane, huge XP rewards.
- Get everyone Pep’d Up. Hero, Erik, Jade, Sylvando, and Rab must be Pep’d Up. Enter any random battle and defend or just fight until they get Pep’d. Save Pep by swapping the character out of the party.
Dq11 Octagonia Casino Prizes
Many, many things can go wrong in this method. First, enemies can flee while you’re trying to fight them. Second, Electro Light can fail and summon standard tough enemies instead of Metal Slimes. If this happens, immediately quit and reload your game. Third, Metal Slimes can retreat before you kill them. If that happens, quit and reload. Dirge of Dundrasil can fail, too — again, quit and reload.
If everything works out, you should manage to defeat the Metal Slimes. Critical Claim (with Divide added) will instakill standard Metal Slimes. The King Metal Slimes can survive one hit, so either Divide or lower its defenses.
If you can pull this off, you’ll earn 5-8 Levels from a single battle. It’s easily the best, fastest way to earn XP in the post-game, and you deserve it to yourself to give this method a try. It feels like cheating.
If you want to stay ahead of the curve and stay stocked-up on the best gear, you’re going to need lots of money in Dragon Quest 11. This is an old-school JRPG, so you’ll find better-and-better stuff at each new town you visit. It’s hard to keep your coffers full of gold, and you’ll spend the stuff as quickly as you earn it. If you’re low on funds and want to quickly enhance your checking account, here are a few great ways to earn lots of money with very little effort.
Most of the methods involve just a little bit of luck. You’ll want to abuse the auto-save function, hit up the casinos, and play the slot machine endlessly. You don’t have to pay much attention to what you’re doing, either — unless you want to bet the big bucks. Playing cards is another fruitful method. Best of all are the roulette tables! There are plenty of awesome casino games you can try, and I’ll explain why they’re great in the full guide below.
All The Best Ways To Earn Quick Gold Easy Cash Farming Guide
To really start earning easy cash, you’ll want to reach the casino. There are two casinos — one in Puerto Valor relatively early in the game, and another casino in Octagonia. Both can earn you tons of tokens, but the Octagonia casino is the best way (that I know of!) to get tons of cash.
First, let’s start with the Puerto Valor casino. There are two types of slot machine you can abuse. Trade for a huge pot of tokens — 750+ to get started.
Octagonia Casino Guide
- Five-Spin Slots: The five-spin slots can get you some good rewards. There’s a downside — you need to keep spinning manually as you put in tokens. Activate all five spin columns every time you play. You’ll lose a lot, but eventually you’ll earn Metal Mode.
- Metal Mode activates eventually, and will double your winnings. Keep playing when you’re in Metal Mode, this is when the profits will start rolling in.
- After a certain amount of tokens earned, you’ll rarely get Metal Mode. After earning 15,000+ tokens, leave the machine, leave the casino, trigger an autosave, then return to continue playing.
- Slime Slots: If you hate constantly activating the five-spin slots, you’ll want to use the slime slots. These are another good option — simply select Autoplay and keep it re-upped every few minutes. It’s slow, but you’ll earn easy gold. You don’t even have to pay attention to the game!
You can also play Poker in Puerto Valor. If you choose to play, you’ll want to select Double Or Nothing often. Save before each session (leave and re-enter) and load if you lose a ton of cash. Keep going for those Double Or Nothings and you can earn a ton of gold fast. Like, 100,000+ gold.
Octagonia Casino Prizes
Now, we’re moving on to the big moneymaker in Octagonia. Go to the casino in this bright, fancy town on your second story visit and play Roulette. Just bet 200 on every number, and aim for that massive 1,000,000 token jackpot. That’s literally all you need to do. This awesome tidbit was shared by Steam User [Onwards to GA-KO!].
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